本校簡介 Introduction

香港西區婦女福利會由一群熱心社會公益婦女於 1955 年創辦, 為非牟利慈善團體,以扶老慈幼為服 務宗旨,屬下有兩間老人中心、 三間幼稚園暨幼兒園及一間小學。
本園於 1979 年在鴨脷洲邨開辦, 為全日制幼稚園,為區內 2-6 歲小朋友提供全面的教育及照顧,並配合家長的需要,提供多元化的幼兒服務,包括兼收、暫托及延展開放時間服務。

The Women's Welfare Club Western District Hong Kong was founded in 1955 by a group of women who are enthusiastic about social welfare. It is a non-profit charitable organization with the purpose of helping the elderly and children. It has two elderly centers, three kindergartens and one primary school.

This kindergarten was established in Ap Lei Chau in 1979. It is a full-time kindergarten which provides comprehensive education and care for children aged 2-6 in the district. It also provides different child care services to meet the needs of parents, including Integrated Programme, Occasional Child Care Service and Extended Hours Service.

The school has an indoor area of more than 4,000 square feet and a total of 12 units.
